ElysianNxt user gathering – Life beyond Golive


31 Jan 2020

On 21st November 2019, ElysianNxt held its annual user conference ‘Life beyond Golive’ in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our CEO Chris Puype gave an opening speech to thank all of our customers for believing in our product, our team and our commitment to provide the highest standard in our software and services going forward into 2020 for our customers. Two representatives from PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk and PT. Bank Sahabat Sampoerna Tbk gave testimonials on their experience with IFRS9.NXT. Performing multiple simulations was never an option for our clients in the past but with IFRS9.NXT they all have the luxury of executing multiple simulations before submitting the numbers to the regulator.

Our new BASEL IV.NXT Solution was also introduced, offering our customers a smooth path towards compliance with the upcoming BASEL IV due date of January 2022. BASEL.NXT uses state-of-the-art technology to provide near real-time results also for what-if scenario’s and stress tests on all Basel calculations, including Pillar 1 and 2 (e.g. IRRBB, etc…).

This event could not be successful without our valued customers who supported us from day one. We are committed to continue seeking ways to increase value to our customers through our solutions, delivery and support services.

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